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Sacrament Preparation

For children Grades 2-5 needing Reconciliation &/or Confirmation/Eucharist

and Grades 6-12 needing Confirmation

First Reconciliation Preparation - Grades 2-5


  • Prerequisite to prepare to receive Confirmation & Eucharist

  • Children in Grade 2 - and up to Grade 5 - needing this sacrament

  • Must be baptized in the Catholic faith - if not baptized Catholic, see RCIA - adapted for Children

  • Must be a registered parishioner here at St. Francis of Assisi - if not registered here, a letter of permission from your pastor must accompany your child's preparation form

  • Baptism Certificate copy - if not baptized here - needed for file

  • Must participate in Faith Formation - either Catholic School or Children's Faith Formation

  • Participants & their parent(s) come together for 3 sessions in the Fall - program relies heavily on parent participation in session and at home

  • First Reconciliation is celebrated in early December

First Reconciliation Preparation Form  CLICK HERE

First Reconciliation Session Schedule  CLICK HERE


Drop completed forms off to Kammie Richardson at the Parish Office, mail them to Kammie at the parish or scan and email to

Confirmation & First Eucharist Preparation Form Spring 2025 CLICK HERE


Confirmation Sponsor Form - Click Here   or pdf  HERE


Confirmation & First Eucharist Session Schedule - Spring 2025 UPDATED!


Drop completed forms off to Kammie Richardson at the Parish Office, mail them to Kammie at the parish or scan and email to

Confirmation & First Eucharist Preparation - Grs. 3-5

  • Must have received First Reconciliation to participate

  • Diocese of Gaylord celebrates the reception of Sacraments in the Restored Order - Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist are received in proper order and mirrors how these are received in the RCIA with adults and restores the practice of administering these sacraments at the age of reason - age 7.

  • Children in Grade 3 - & up to Grade 5 - needing these Sacraments

  • Must be baptized in the Catholic faith and have received First Reconciliation - if not baptized Catholic - see RCIA -Adapted for Children

  • Baptism Certificate copy - if not baptized here - needed for file

  • Must be a registered parishioner here at St. Francis of Assisi - if not registered here, a letter of permission from your pastor must accompany your child's preparation form

  • Must participate in Faith Formation - either Catholic School or Children's Faith Formation

  • Participants & their parent(s) come together for 5 sessions and a retreat between January & May - program relies heavily on parent participation in session & at home

  • Session offered on a Saturday morning & repeated the following Tuesday - so that families can choose the best option for their family's schedule for that session

  • Confirmation Sponsor is needed - should not be a parent; must be 16 yrs and older; a baptized Catholic who has completed Confirmation and Eucharist and, if married, validly married in the Catholic Church

Sacrament Preparation for Catholic Youth - Grades 6-12


  • Participants are prepared to receive needed Sacrament(s)

  • Participants must be baptized Catholic - if not baptized Catholic, see RCIA - adapted

  • Baptism Certificate copy - if not baptized here, needed for file

  • Sessions Schedule TBD

  • Sacraments are received at the parish celebration of Confirmation & First Eucharist in April or May with the Bishop

Sacrament Preparation Form - Grades 6-12 - Click Here

Sacrament Preparation Grades 6-12 Session schedule  CLICK HERE


Drop completed forms off to Kammie Richardson at the Parish Office, mail them to Kammie at the parish or scan and email to

RCIA adapted for Children - Age 7 - 17

For Children age 7-17...

           - not baptized in any faith seeking to become Catholic

           - OR baptized in another Christian tradition seeking reception into full communion with the Catholic Church

  • Participants are prepared for full initiation in the Catholic Faith in either of the following - 

             - Full Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist​

             - or Reception into Full Communion - Profession of Faith in the Catholic faith, Confirmation, & Eucharist

  • Sacraments for Full Initiation are celebrated at the Easter Vigil 

  • Sacraments for Reception into Full Communion are celebrated when preparation is completed - or may be received at the parish celebration of Confirmation & First Eucharist

  • Session Schedule TBD

RCIA Adapted Child Inquirer Form - Click Here​

RCIA Adapted Session Schedule  Click Here


Drop completed forms off to Kammie Richardson at the Parish Office, mail them to Kammie at the parish or scan and email to

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