Marriage & Annulments
Marriage is a vocation of great dignity and importance in the life of the Church. Spouses are instruments of God’s love for one another, for their children, and for the greater community. They are called to be a visible sign of God’s compassion, generosity, self-giving and mercy.
Weddings / Marriage Preparation Class / Scheduling
Congratulations on your engagement!
The Catholic Church requires a preparation period
of at least six months prior to the wedding.
There are several components to the preparation process
in the Diocese of Gaylord and we can assist you through
every step along the way here at St. Francis of Assisi Parish.
If you would like to be married here at St. Francis,
please call Shelley Brown at the parish office
at 231-947-4620 ext. 252.
She will answer your initial questions and assist you
throughout the marriage prep and wedding planning process,
whether you are a St. Francis parishioner or have requested
to have a destination wedding here at St. Francis.
St. Francis offers a Marriage Prep Class in the Winter.
Classes are held on two (2) separate Saturdays.
Marriage Preparation Sessions 2025
Session dates are as follows -
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
If you will be doing your marriage preparation here at St. Francis,
please call Shelley Brown at the Parish Office to register for these sessions.
231-947-4620 ext. 252
We look forward to helping you during this important time in your life!
Annulment Information & Process
The annulment process is a way for those who have experienced divorce to to have the possibility of a new sacramental marriage within the Church community. A decree of nullity simply states that something was missing that did not allow a permanent lifelong bond to form or endure. There is much misinformation about annulments that keeps people away from the sacramental life of the Church for no good reason. If you or someone you know is in need of this ministry, please contact us so that the healing can begin.
Examples of misinformation about annulments:
A divorced person cannot receive communion, even if they have not remarried.
An annulment changes the legitimacy of my children.
An annulment means my former marriage never existed.
An annulment is just a Church divorce.
Your former spouse must agree to the annulment.
None of these are true, but many people believe them.
If you have a Civil Divorce and wish to petition for an Annulment,
contact the parish office.
For more information about the Annulment Process, go to