Faith Formation for Children
Parents! - You are the single greatest influence on the spiritual and religious life of your children. This can be a daunting task especially in this day and age. Every Christ must deal with many challenges on this faith journey - consumerism, technology, media & social media - just to name a few. Nothing can replace the influence a parent's example has on the spiritual life of a child.
Parents may feel inadequate when it comes to teaching the faith to their children.
Instead of thinking of Faith Formation as a school subject, think of it as a way of living. What you do every day with your children makes a huge difference in their lives.
- Praying at home and at Church and attending Sunday Mass teaches the importance of a God-centered life.
- Serving in ministry at Church and in places like food pantries, soup kitchens and outreach centers teach the importance of service.
- Being present and authentic with each other and taking the time to be with each other teaches the importance of relationship.
The essence of the Faith is a Person - Jesus Christ. This Christian faith really is - at its heart - all about our relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other - his mystical Body. We do not live this faith alone. Your parish is committed to supporting parents and families in teaching, loving and loving our faith.
Please contact Kammie Richardson, our Director of Religious Education, with all questions. Her email is kammie@sfparish.org and office number is (231) 947-4620 ext. 222.
Childrens Faith Formation
Grades K thru 7
For children NOT in our Catholic School system
Late September to early May
Adult Formation component for interested parents held during CFF could be added
Children preparing for Sacraments must also participate in a Faith Formation program
New Gr. 6-7 offering available for this night as well
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Available at the 9:00 and 11:00 am Sunday Masses