Justice & Peace (J&P) Commission
Mission Statement
Through prayer, education and action, our mission is to promote the Gospel message of justice and peace in our parish and in our larger community in support of Catholic Social Teaching.
Please join us every 4th Thursday of the month from 5:00 -7:00pm in the Saint Francis Parish Hall to learn more about what we do to promote personal peace and our community outreach programs. Winter meetings are held via Zoom.
We always welcome guests and new members!
Safe Harbor: Each year we volunteer by preparing and serving two meals and interacting with those in our community experiencing homelessness.
Before, During and After Incarceration is a local group that advocates for the incarcerated and their families in Northwestern Michigan through education and programming. Members meet regularly with inmates to provide support and conduct ongoing courses.
SALT Coalition: partner with an interfaith group coming together from many belief systems. The current focus of this group is on advocating for Affordable Housing, Racial Justice, and Voting Rights.
Creation Care: a group; consisting of parish and SF High School members, that plan ongoing projects and educational seminars which positively impact our environment and inspire others to become faithful stewards of the natural world and its inhabitants.
Support local non-profits, such as Strangers No Longer to support and encourage local immigrant and indigenous populations.
Support non-profits by sponsoring occasional merchandise sales and promotions after Mass.
Justice and Peace Education Programs: host an annual series of presentations and discussions on a variety of topics including:
Everyday Peacekeepers
Mending the Divide
Cinema Divana
Book Studies
Pax Cristi